Apply For Membership
A note to all applicants: Local 32 respects the privacy of everyone trying to better their future by joining a union. Please enter all relevant information in the downloadable form, and a business representative will contact you to give you more information and potentially set up another interview. Please feel free to explore the rest of the website to learn a little more about our organization.
Once you have filled out the form below, fax it to (305) 654-0010 or feel free to drop it off at one of our locations:
Broward & Dade Office & JATC
20375 NE 15th Court
North Miami Beach, FL 33179
Dade Phone: (305) 651-5971
Broward Phone: (954) 522-2233
Fax: (305) 654-0010
Sheet Metal Workers LU 32 J.A.T.C.
20401 NE 15th Court
North Miami Beach, FL 33179
Phone: (305) 651-8692
Fax: (305) 651-8952
West Palm Beach Office & JATC
1003 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: (561) 832-5664
Fax: (561) 655-2872
Joint Apprenticeship Training Center
1003 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: (561) 659-6093
Fax: (561) 655-2872
Application Forms
Application Form (English)
Aplicacion Para Membresia (Espanol)